Friday, 2 March 2012

Account of shooting day

The overall day started off quite stressful, we were worrying if we had forgotten anything or missing anything vital. Before we left I quickly went and gathered some dirty plates from breakfast to make the whole vibe of the  Once we were sure we were okay we set off. When the day progressed onwards we started to get more relaxed and felt more comfortable, this was once we had started filming, before this it took us the whole morning to shoot, half of our shooting day. This is when we got very worried and stressed because we spent so long setting up everything that we thought we would run out of time. Luckily, once we started filming it all came natural to us and we were able to work smoothly thought the day.

There were changes done to the thriller once we had seen the location in person, these changes weren't big and were very adaptable to the thriller.

Shooting our thriller was a stressful experience due to all the worrying and if something small goes wrong you feel as if everything will. But once you overcome this feeling and work through everything together as a team you are able to accomplish so much in such ease because you know you all have each others back. We worked like a team should of on thew day and all took it in turns to do the tiring job of standing in the cold holding one of the dedo lights to doing the exciting job of directing and filming. If I was in a team like the one I was in at the beginning of being placed into groups then I would of been a bout a thousand times more stressed and worried but because we were able to develop our relationship over time, our shoot day was a lot less stressful then either of us thought it would ever be. We all enjoyed doing what we were doing so it made the experienced so fun and at the same time educational.

When we were filming a few things were getting quite annoying to re adjust, by this I mean the light, because we were using natural light as well this would radically change in the time from 1-6pm. We had to work more and more with the Dedo lights and it was frustrating at times because every hour the light would be completely different. However, I do believe that we did a good job of overcoming it, there are times were light is different but you learn from your mistakes and now we know how difficult natural light can be if your working over a 6 hour period but wanting your thriller to be over a 3 minute period. The experience was definitely something to remember, it helped me grow educationally and because we all enjoyed the process it was a very exciting day.

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