In our first lesson with Mat and Guy, our media teachers on Thursdays, we started learning about how to set up the camera and tripod, we also learnt about the different functions on the camera.
White balance:
This basically means colour balance. You hold up a piece of white paper in front of the camera lens press the WB (white balance) button and the camera will automatically fix the colours so they don’t look odd.
This means how much light the camera lets in. If your shot is over-exposed (too bright) it means you need to lower the aperture but if the shot is under-exposed (too dark) then you might raise the aperture so that the audience is able to have a clear view of whats going on in the scene.
Shutter Speed:
This means how many shots are taken in one shot. For example, if you have a slow shutter speed then everything in your shot will look as if its in slow motion. If you have a fast shutter speed then everything in your shot will be sharp an example of when using this would be an action scene.
To focus everything in your shot you must first zoom into the main subject, allow the camera to focus and sharpen the image and then zoom back out for everything else to look less blurred.
In a shot if there is a subject which you want to get closer too without moving the camera zoom allows you to do so by turning a certain part of the camera.
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