In class with Adam, our main media teacher, we learnt about the various different camera angles that are used in media. There are:
- Extreme long shot/ Establishing shot
Gives the audience an idea of where the location is and where the scene is set.
- Long shot
Shows the characters full body to give the audience a sense of who they are depening on body language and clothes etc.
- Mid shot
Gets in closer to the main subject allowing the audience to get to know them better.
- Medium close up
Has the characters head and shoulders in the shot.
- Close up
A certain part of the character, usually face, takes up whole shot so that the audience can see their emotion if it’s the face.
- Extreme close up
Gets even closer to the character exposing their true emotion.
- Over the Shoulder
Allows the audience to feel as if they are in a way eavesdropping in on the conversation and also shows what the character whos shoulder and back of head we can see is feeling and the situation they are placed in.
- Reverse shot
If a character is walking in the shot instead of seeing what is in front of them we see what is behind them and their expression.
- Low angle
Can add superiority to a character if the camera is looking up at them
- High angle
Looks down on the subject in the shot. Can decrease status of the person looking down on, make the audience feel that the characters position that they are in at that moment is more superior to the one they are looking down on.
- Point of view (POV)
This just shows the audience what the character is seeing in the shot so you feel like you are in their position.