Sunday, 18 December 2011

Where will we shoot?

We tried thinking of places to shoot but we could never think of anywhere that would fit what we wanted. We then realised that The Turrets, a small boys boarding house, would work perfectly. Its small inside and quite enclosed so its really as its in the middle of no where. We knew this would be perfect because it represented our character, being alone, small, enclosed. Below is an image of the turrets.

As you can see it was perfect for our thriller and we could also be very creative with the location as it was so easy to play with where things are positioned and easily be able to put them back. It really did make the whole experience a lot more easier because once you had the location sorted you can start thinking about where things will be positioned and how everything will exactly look like.

Thursday, 15 December 2011

Cast List

We had a few people in mind for when thinking about who is going to play our main character, we wanted someone who looked like the sterotypicalk army guy. Below are pictures of who they are and who we picked.

Andy Johnson - Head of theatre studies at Hurtwood House

James Hartman - Psychology and Theatre studies teacher at Hurtwood House

Both these teachers were very busy, so, we decided to go with Adam who is our media studies teacher, we noticed that Adam would suitr the part really well and we chose to go with him.

Adam Grant - Media Studies Teacher at Hurtwood House

Monday, 12 December 2011

Thriller - Props list

Hunting rifle - for the gun when he leaves the house.

Piles of old newspapers - to show he has tried to get a job but clearly hasnt succeeded.

Bottle of cheap ale - To show hes not only drinking all the time but he cant afford anything else but cheap alcohol.

       Bottle of cheap vodka - again, same as above, to show he is drinking a lot and cant afford anything expensive.

       A messy bed to show he cant be bothered to make the effort.
 Dirty plates to show that he doesnt clean up and is messy

Empty ciggerette packets to give a more messy and  vibe for the scene


Dirty clothes laid around to show how messy he is



This whole process to finally get to this idea seemed to be very difficult, we were struggling to do the fact that we had to come up with a new idea and develop that. In my opinion I completely prefer our group’s new idea as I believe it will be more interesting, we would also be able to convey emotion in an entire different way.

Below is the opening title sequence of Dead Man Walking, this is a slight idea of how we want our opening title sequence to turn out. The fact that hes walking with the Duffel bag and his clothes gives us an idea of how we want our main character to look like, we'll have the our character place the gun into a Duffel bag but also we will have pictures of him and his friends in the army on his desk, the routine he does for example shining his boots, shaving, doing his bed in a certain way. I believe that the flashback will also create the idea to show the audience that he was in the army and at the same time have a big effect on the audience.


In our last session with Matt and Luke for an update on our Thrillers, All together we decided and realised that the point of our last idea wouldn’t really make any sense. Thinking about the point of the opening sequence and the movie in general we thought that people wouldn’t be as interested in that sequence but would be more interested in our new idea.

New idea:

The opening title sequence will consist of an ex army veteran getting up in the morning and doing his daily routine ,however, the twist of it is that we are going to show him going crazy in ways which normally wouldn’t make people go crazy. We are going to slowly increase small sounds in the sequence and slowly we will show him going crazy, we will also create a flashback but using sounds so for example people screaming and guns going off whilst him trying to burst out of that moment and trying to forget what happened. He is still stuck in his daily routine and the last part of the sequence is of him leaving the room after packing a hunting rifle in his bag. This way, people will stay intrigued as they would want to know what the man is going to do with the gun and where he’s going, may it be bad or something else.